The Foundation
“Not giving up, not giving in”
We're inspired by Daphne's life, journalism and unwavering commitment to the public interest. We work to ensure justice for her assassination and to continue her fight for press freedom and liberal democracy and against populism, corruption and impunity in Malta and internationally.
We set out to create a non-governmental organisation that's designed to provide a framework for the advocacy activities of people fighting for justice for Daphne. Because her assassination is impossible to isolate from systemic corruption, institutional and state capture, and a collapse in the rule of law in Malta, we have given ourselves a wide mandate to attack those diseases and fight for the principles of democracy using journalism and both legal and political mechanisms.
Our strong, balanced governance structure, defined by our legal deed of foundation, reflects the seriousness of this mission.
Legal counsel
Legal support for our call for an independent public inquiry was graciously provided by Tony Murphy at Bhatt Murphy Solicitors. He instructed Caoilfhionn Gallagher QC, Jonathan Price and Jennifer Robinson at Doughty Street Chambers, and Dr Therese Commodini Cachia MP, to provide legal advice, who continue to advise us on the follow up to the public inquiry. We are grateful for all of their work.
Legal advice on aspects of criminal law is provided by Dr Jason Azzopardi MP. Legal advice on aspects of constitutional and human rights law is provided by Dr Therese Comodini Cachia MP and Dr Eve Borg Costanzi.
Council of administration
The members of the Foundation's administrative council are the founders: Daphne's husband and sons Peter, Matthew, Andrew and Paul Caruana Galizia. Peter Caruana Galizia is the first chairman of the council.
Peter is a law partner at BCGL Advocates in Valletta, Malta, Matthew is the Director of the Foundation, Andrew is a Deputy Director at the World Economic Forum in Geneva and Paul was an editor at Tortoise in London.
Our deed of foundation requires that the council is made up of at least three people, who are unpaid.
Supervisory council
The chairman of the Foundation may at any time, after consultation with the administrators, establish a supervisory council of at least two members.
Members of the supervisory council will have the power to exercise supervision over the acts of the administrators and to remove, substitute or add administrators.
Legal status
The Foundation is set up as a social purpose, non-profit-making foundation in Malta, with legal personality. It was enrolled at the Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations on 15 April 2019.
The organisation's deed of foundation prevents it from having any beneficiaries. It is not established to trade or carry out commercial activities and exists only to fulfil its purpose.
Following two years' worth of audited financial statements, the Foundation was awarded permanent tax exemption status. Now that the Foundation has been designated as tax-exempt, 100% of its revenue and donations will be directed towards fulfilling its aims.
For more details, see our legal status page.
Matthew Caruana Galizia
Director of the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation
Matthew is an investigative journalist and software engineer. He worked at the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists before co-founding the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation in 2018.
Tina Urso
Chief Operating Officer
Tina joined the Foundation in March 2020. Before that, she campaigned for justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta and internationally.
Corinne Vella
Head of Media Relations
Corinne is the sister of Daphne Caruana Galiza. She leads the Foundation's media relations and edits Taste & Flair, the monthly magazine which Daphne founded in 2014 and which the Foundation has continued to publish. Corinne previously spent many years working in media and communications.
Michaela Pia Camilleri
Researcher & Legal Officer
Michaela Pia is part of the Foundation's research and advocacy team. She obtained a Master of Advocacy degree from the University of Malta in 2024, and is using her legal background to support her research with the Foundation.
Daiva Repečkaitė
Investigative journalist
Daiva is an investigative journalist focusing on politics and the environment. Before joining the Foundation, she received numerous cross-border investigation grants and was OCCRP's Malta research and data fellow, working on projects like Dubai Unlocked and Transparency Gap.
Lynne Satariano
Research and Advocacy Officer
Lynne completed her law degree at the University of Malta in 2012 and practised as a corporate legal advisor for many years. She supports the Foundation with legal research and advocacy on various projects.