A timeline of Daphne's life, work and the fight for justice
Daphne has been recognised worldwide as the brave and courageous journalist that she was, receiving posthumous honours and awards from all over the globe. These awards and honours help to keep both her legacy and her memory alive. They serve as an inspiration to journalists to persevere in the fight for truth and accountability, even when faced with threats and intimidation.
Trees planted in Daphne's memory
On 19 December 2017, the St Aloysius College Sixth Form Student Council planted a bay laurel tree in the college gardens in honour of one of its “most prominent alumni”.
The bay laurel is a symbol of strength and everlasting victory. It is known as ‘Daphne’ in Greek after the myth from classical antiquity.
On 16 February 2018, another bay laurel tree was planted at San Anton School in Malta in Daphne's memory. Her three sons were pupils of the school.
A member of the San Anton Student Council said, at the ceremony: “In this school we were all brought up and encouraged to voice our opinions and build our arguments in a mature and well-thought-out manner. As a council, we feel it is up to us, the future generation, to ensure that this is absolutely safeguarded.”
On 21 June 2018, a third bay laurel tree was planted in honour of Daphne at St Dorothy's School in Malta.
Libera Ragusa Presidio dedicated to Daphne's memory
Il Presidio Libera di Ragusa was dedicated to Daphne's memory on 30 April 2019.
President of Libera Don Luigi Ciotti said, “Naming the Presidium after Daphne Caruana Galizia means making a courageous choice for the defence of press freedom. Protecting journalists means protecting the country's democracy.”
Medal of the City of Strasbourg
The 2018 World Forum for Democracy, organised by the city of Strasbourg on 14 November 2018, was dedicated to Daphne, the theme of that year being ‘Gender Equality: Whose Battle?’
Daphne was awarded the Medal of the City of Strasbourg on the day of the event. It was presented to her husband Peter by the Mayor of Strasbourg, Roland Reis.
Golden Victoria for Press Freedom
The Association of German Magazine Publishers (VDZ) awarded Daphne and Ján a Golden Victoria Award for Press Freedom on 5 November 2018, during a ceremony in Berlin.
Daphne's son Matthew and her sister Corinne collected the award in her name. Ján's father Jozef collected the award in his son's name.
In a statement, the publishers said that “the fight of [journalists’] surviving colleagues, family members and the public are a sign that the free press will not be silenced in times of crisis, but rather gains impact in new-found unity”.
Lights of Eiffel Tower switched off
On 1 November 2018, the lights at the Eiffel Tower in Paris were switched off for one minute in honour of Daphne and other journalists, on the initiative of Reporters Without Borders, to mark the United Nations International Day To End Impunity For Crimes Against Journalists.
Martin Adler Prize
On 1 November 2018, Daphne was awarded the Martin Adler Prize by Rory Peck Trust in London. She was the first posthumous recipient. Her son Matthew collected the award from Diane Foley in his mother's name.
The Trust described her as “forthright and uncompromising”.
Sarah Ward-Lilley, Chair of the Trust, said that Daphne was chosen for the prize “in recognition of her outstanding body of work as a freelance journalist reporting alone on Malta’s most important stories, and in acknowledgement of her extraordinary dedication and courage working under the most challenging of circumstances”.
Martin Adler was an award-winning freelance journalist, photographer and film-maker, who assiduously told the stories of the people, places and happenings that were left untold by others. He was murdered in Somalia in 2006.
Premio Europeo Giornalismo Giudiziario e Investigativo
Daphne was awarded the Premio Europeo Giornalismo Giudiziario e Investigativo on 28 October 2018 in Taormina, Sicily.
The award is given under the patronage of the Sicilian parliament. It recognises that “growing free and pluralistic information means guaranteeing democratic life”, and serves to embrace such freedom and those who write to protect democracy.
Peter, Daphne's husband, spoke at the ceremony, saying that his wife was a courageous woman who was publishing truths that were too uncomfortable for men in power.
Anti-Corruption Award
On 21 October 2018, Transparency International awarded Daphne the Anti-Corruption Award.
Daphne's son Matthew and her husband Peter collected the award in her name. Matthew said in accepting the award on his mother's behalf, “This award reminds us not only that hope remains ours to keep but that a large part of the world is hoping with us. It is an overwhelming and deeply emboldening thought for everyone fighting to win her justice and uphold her legacy.”
Anna Garrido Ramos, who was awarded along with Daphne, said, “…citizens cannot sit idly by waiting for the world to change, each of us must be part of that transformation. That which is not fought for is never achieved. There are no impossible goals, only people who do not struggle to achieve them.”
Paul, one of Daphne’s other sons, was interviewed in a video produced by Transparency International and Neurads. He said, “My mother was the first woman in Malta's history to write a political column in the papers. She was also the first person to write using her own name rather than anonymously…. It seems like any job, but to be able to do that in Malta requires this incredible force of personality and total conviction in what you considered right and what you considered wrong. It was always the same thing that motivated her, it was this sense of injustice and this sense of outrage.”
Rome journalists' convention dedicated to Daphne
On 12 October 2018, a conference organised at the headquarters of the Foreign Press in Rome was dedicated to Daphne and her battle against corruption. The message behind it was ‘justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia’.
War Reporters Memorial commemoration
Daphne’s name was included in the Reporters Memorial in Bayeux (Normandy) on 11 October 2018 by Reporters Without Borders.
The memorial bears the names of over 2000 journalists killed for their work around the world since 1944. It ensures that they will never be forgotten, which is crucial.
Daphne's sister Corinne spoke at the ceremony. Kavitha Lankesh spoke about her sister Gauri and AFP's director of photography, Marielle Eudes, spoke about Shah Marai, who was murdered in a double suicide bombing in Kabul.
See page 20 of the Bayeux Award programme for more details about the inclusion of Daphne’s name.
Themis & Metis commemoration
On 4 October 2018, Themis & Metis organised a commemorative event for Daphne at the Italian parliament (the Camera dei Deputati).
One of Daphne’s sisters, Corinne, was present at the event. Rather than using her own words to describe her sister and her work, Corinne chose to use Daphne’s own writing: “It’s true that life is unfair and that much of it can’t be helped, but where I can do anything to avoid unfairness or to set it straight, then I will.”
At the end of the conference, Josephine Nicolaci, Professor of Philosophy at the Liceo Volta of Turin, read the last article Daphne wrote.
Gieħ il-Mosta
Daphne spent the last 26 years of her life living in Bidnija with her family. The hamlet is governed locally by the council of Mosta, which voted to award Daphne with the Gieħ il-Mosta award of merit. In a ceremony held on 16 September 2018, beside the church where Daphne's funeral took place, the award was presented to her husband, Peter, by the mayor of Mosta, Keith Cassar.
MCCV Annual Award
The Maltese Community Council of Victoria (MCCV) in Australia awarded Daphne one of the MCCV Annual Awards on 21 July 2018, “for general services to the broader Maltese community and her valuable contribution to democracy in Malta through her fearless investigative journalism”.
MCCV President Victor Borg spoke of Daphne as an inspiration to other journalists, hoping that they will “follow her lead and be as courageous as she was”.
Plaque honouring Daphne at St Dorothy's School, Malta
A marble plaque honouring Daphne was unveiled by her parents, Rose and Michael Vella, at St Dorothy's School in Żebbuġ, Malta, on 20 June 2018. Daphne was a former pupil at the school.
The plaque reads: “Daphne Caruana Galizia — Investigative journalist who gave her life for freedom of speech, seeking the truth. Assassinated 16 October 2017. Former St Dorothy's Convent student.”
A bay laurel tree was also planted on the convent's grounds, in memory of Daphne.
Premio Leali delle Notizie dedication
On 15 June 2018, Leali delle Notizie in Ronchi dei Legionari dedicated an award to Daphne, naming it Premio Leali delle notizie in memoria di Daphne Caruana Galizia. The organisation said that they decided to name it in her memory because her assassination “once again highlighted the danger faced by journalists who, with their reports, their articles and their investigations, try to make the voice of truth and transparency heard”. The organisation's intention to dedicate the award to Daphne was announced just a few weeks after her assassination.
European Parliament President Antonio Tajani wrote in a letter granting the organisation and this award the high patronage of the European Parliament: “I would first like to express my appreciation for the fact that the association has decided to dedicate an award to the memory of Daphne Caruana Galizia to remind us of the fundamental values on which the European Union is based: the freedom of expression, democracy and human rights”.
Italian journalist Federica Angeli was the first to receive the award in 2018. The 2019 award was presented to Italian journalist Sandro Ruotolo.
Premio Luca Colletti
On 15 June 2018, Daphne was awarded the Premio Luca Colletti. Her sister, Corinne Vella, received the award in her name. The award is meant to continue to be ‘a hymn to freedom, courage and moral rigor’.
Award for the Protection of Journalists
The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) in Geneva gave its annual Award for the Protection of Journalists to Daphne’s family on 4 June 2018.
Blaise Lempen, PEC Secretary-General, said that "other journalists have taken up the work started by Daphne Caruana Galizia”, explaining how this “proves that it is useless to kill a journalist”.
The award was presented to Daphne's sister, Corinne.
On 8 March 2019, International Women’s Day, the PEC expressed its dismay at how the Maltese authorities have not yet accepted a public inquiry into Daphne’s assassination.
Newseum Memorial
On 4 June 2018, Newseum rededicated its Journalists Memorial in Washington DC to 18 journalists who are representative of those who died in 2017. Daphne was one of the 18.
The Journalists Memorial holds the names of over 2,300 reporters, photographers, news executives and broadcasters from all over the globe, going as far back as 1837.
Award for Journalists, Whistleblowers and Defenders of the Right to Information
GUE/NGL established the Award for Journalists, Whistleblowers and Defenders of the Right to Information in honour of Daphne in 2018. The first people to receive this award were Ján Kuciak and Raphaël Halet, who were awarded jointly.
GUE/NGL describe Daphne as “the embodiment of a journalist, a whistleblower and defender to the right of information”.
Contribution to Society Award
On 23 May 2018, Euronews and the European Business Society presented Daphne’s family with the Contribution to Society Award in Daphne’s memory.
Two of Daphne’s sons, Matthew and Andrew, received the award from Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament. Tajani said that Europe “shall never forget Daphne and her work”.
In his acceptance speech, Andrew said that his mother’s legacy “was a gift to - and belongs to - society”, and “by extending this award to [his] mother’s legacy, [the organisation helps] to protect it”.
Conscience in Media Award
The American Society of Journalists and Authors awarded Daphne their Conscience in Media Award on 18 May 2018, saying that she “represents the highest ideals of journalism: Courage, sacrifice and a firm commitment to the truth”.
Artwork in honour of Daphne at the European Parliament
A sculpture was unveiled at the European Parliament in Brussels in Daphne's honour on 3 May 2018, World Press Freedom Day. Members of Daphne’s family, including her parents, were present at the event.
Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament, said that it was “an honour” for him to have this artwork in the Parliament. He also said that he “will not stop until justice is done with Daphne, with her family and with her work”. He concluded by stressing how he wants to know who masterminded her assassination.
Difference Day Honorary Title
The Brussels University Alliance VUB and ULB awarded Daphne and her family the Difference Day 2018 Honorary Title For Freedom of Expression on 2 May 2018.
Andrew, one of Daphne’s sons, accepted the award in his mother's and his family’s name at the Difference Day 2018 Gala Award Ceremony. In his speech, Andrew said that his mother “took the mould her country gave her and shattered it into a million pieces”.
Premio Mario Francese
On 2 May 2018, the Sicilian Order of Journalists awarded Daphne the 2018 Mario Francese prize for investigative journalism, saying that she “paid with her life defending citizens’ rights which are threatened by forces aimed at suffocating democracy and civic coexistence”.
Mario Francese was an Italian journalist who investigated crime for the Giornale di Sicilia. He was the first to expose the part that Salvatore Riina and the Corleonesi played within the Sicilian Mafia. Francese was murdered in 1979. His son Giulio Francese said that his father “died for his newspaper”.
Daphne was the first non-Italian to have received this award.
Anna Politkovskaya Award
The Swedish National Press Club, on 23 April 2018, awarded Daphne their 2018 Freedom of Speech award, created in memory of Anna Politkovskaya, “For independent journalism with courage and integrity in times when investigative journalism is under hard pressure”.
Anna Politkovskaya was a Russian investigative journalist, writer, and human rights activist. She denounced Vladmir Putin’s government for corruption and human rights abuses during the Chechen war of secession. She was assassinated in 2006. The European Court of Human Rights found that Russian authorities failed to take adequate investigatory steps to find out who had commissioned her murder and to explore allegations that it was arranged by Russian government officials.
Daphne’s determination and willingness to continue exposing corruption and the abuse of power, even in the face of growing threats and harassment, was recognised by the Swedish National Press Club.
The Astor Award
On 16 April 2018, Commonwealth Press Union Media Trust in London awarded Daphne the Astor Award, “for her courageous and inspiring fight against corruption”.
In 1971 the award was won by Mabel Strickland, founder of the Times of Malta, which is where Daphne began her career in journalism.
The Trust, in the citation of the award, said, “There has never been a more courageous, nor more deserving winner of the Astor Award than Daphne Caruana Galizia”.
Civitas Award
Associazione Nazionale Donne Elettrici (A.N.D.E.) awarded Daphne the Premio Civitas 2018 on 12 April 2018.
The award citation reads: “Daphne Caruana Galizia, European journalist in the service of the international community, forever an icon of truth and freedom knowing of the grave risks, who worked alone to serve the common good”.
Two pieces of music, ‘La Ballata di Paolo Borsellino’ and ‘Per Daphne’, were composed for the occasion.
Tully Free Speech Award
On 3 April 2018, the Newhouse School’s Tully Center for Free Speech, at Syracuse University in New York, awarded Daphne the 2017 Tully Award For Free Speech.
Roy Gutternman, director at the Tully Center, said that it was “[the Center’s] privilege to honour Daphne’s life and legacy with her family”. He also said that “Daphne gave her life to telling the truth and exposing corruption. The world, [their] students and [their] university community can learn a lot about her sacrifice”.
Daphne's husband, Peter, and two of her sons were interviewed by Gutterman during the award ceremony. He wrote about that interview in an op-ed.
Nothing But The Truth
The Giuseppe Fava Foundation awarded Daphne the ‘Nothing But The Truth’ prize on 5 January 2018. Daphne is the first non-Italian person to receive the award.
The Sicilian foundation was created in memory of Giuseppe Fava, who was an Italian writer, playwright, investigative journalist and anti-mafia activist. Fava was murdered by the mafia in 1984. He used to live by the words: "is there any use in living if you don't have the courage to fight?"
The foundation said in the prize citation that Daphne “has shown the world how every journalist, capable of searching and telling the truth, is indispensable for civil and democratic growth, and unbearable to corruption and dictatorship”.
Person of the Year
On 21 December 2017, Roberto Saviano wrote in a front-page editorial of La Repubblica that Daphne had been named the influential Italian newspaper’s person of the year.
Saviano said that Daphne “embodied the power of speech, able to shake a government and force it to resign”.
Pegaso d’Argento
On 14 December 2017, the Tuscan Regional Council awarded Daphne the Pegaso d’Argento, a symbol of both the Tuscan region and freedom.
Eugenio Giani, president of the Regional Coucil, said: “In the name of these concepts — truth and journalism, and the liberty of a community — Daphne Caruana Galizia gave her life”.
Premio Giornalisti
The Tuscan Press Association (L'Associazione Stampa Toscana) awarded the 2017 Tuscan Journalists Award to Daphne on 14 December 2017, believing that “the sacrifice of Daphne must be a great example for the whole world of information”.
Reporter Preis
The German Reporter Forum awarded an honorary prize to Daphne on 11 December 2017, at a ceremony in Berlin. The award was presented to Daphne's three sons by Günter Wallraff. In his laudatory speech he said:
Daphne Caruana Galizia was more than a nuisance to the powerful of Malta. Through her critical investigative reporting she became a serious adversary and then an enemy. She felt obligated to truth and truthfulness. A dangerous undertaking in a country whose rulers pursue their own interests above all else and with a tremendous amount of propaganda conceal their true intentions. In particular, to hide their mafia-like entanglements as well as their own benefits and advantages from the eyes of the public.
A scholarship was created with funds collected from audience members at the ceremony, to fund a portrayal of Daphne's life and work. The scholarship was awarded to Iris Rohmann who wrote about Daphne's assassination and produced a video installation by Joanna Vortmann about it.
Holme Award
On 1 December 2017 the Swedish Göteborgs Handels & Sjöfartstidning awarded Daphne the Holme Award, saying that she had “given her life for the dignity of her profession and people” and that she would be remembered for her “outstanding fight against the crooks of our contemporary world”.
Salle Daphne Caruana Galizia
On 24 October 2017, the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, announced that the press room of the European Parliament in Strasbourg will be named after Daphne Caruana Galizia.
The renamed press room was inaugurated on 14 November 2017. Daphne's husband gave a speech during the ceremony, saying: “Daphne never grew cynical, she grew more outraged and frustrated and with every story that she broke her readership grew large and her readers more loyal.”
On 23 October 2018, a portrait of Daphne by artist Marie Louise Kold was unveiled outside the press room, where it still hangs.
A panel running down the side of the portrait depicts elements of Daphne’s life that went beyond her investigative work. Details of leaves from her garden, book spines and an etching of an Indian elephant are among these details.
The artist, who spoke at the unveiling ceremony alongside EP President Tajani and Daphne's son Matthew, produced a video showing how the portrait was made.